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Dear Stakeholders,

Whether you are Clients, Shareholders, Suppliers, Employees, Partners, Associations, this sustainability section is deemed to share with you what McPhy does in terms of Corporate Social Responsability (CSR) and Environnement, Social and Governance (ESG) .
Given our business model of decarbonation enabler, thanks to our Hydrogen production equipments, sustainability is the core foundation of McPhy and embedded into our vision to “drive clean energy forward”, under the governance of our board of directors and management committee.
With an expanding footprint and an historical European DNA, McPhy is committed to contribute and align with the highest ESG standards. We see CSR as a journey, always delivering tangible actions with a meaningful impact and a continuous improvement mindset. Engaged in this virtuous path for several years already, we intend to pursue our efforts in the long run.
In this section, regularly updated, you will find documentation about our ambitions, policies, means, KPI, actual progress and results on key environment, social and governance topics.
In line with our commitment towards the highest standards, McPhy is aiming at having a positive contribution to the Planet, not only on the Environment but also being an employer and a partner of choice, always with unyielding integrity.
Sustainability is serious, and McPhy is serious about it.

Jean-Baptiste Lucas, CEO


Our sustainability strategy

Our business model

Our electrolyzer Gigafactory

Our double materiality analysis

Main CSR objectives

McPhy has set itself 6 major CSR objectives, which will be monitored from year to year according to its priorities (actual achievements are published in our annual Universal Registration Document page of this Investor site)

Objective #1:

Carbon footprint. Reduce the carbon intensity of scopes 1 and 2 (i.e. the number of tons of CO2 in relation to sales) by 5% per year until 2025 and on the baseline of the 2022 fiscal year (intensity level of 25 in 2022).

Objective #2:

Water consumption : reduce water consumption intensity (i.e. water consumption for McPhy own operations in relation to sales) by 5% per year until 2025 on the baseline (intensity level of 98) of 2022 fiscal year.

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Objective #3:

Diversity. (i) Boost gender parity by raising the number of women engineers and managers to over 30% by 2025 and (ii) maintain a high level of cultural diversity within the employee population by keeping the number of nationalities above 20.

Objective #4:

Safety. Aim for excellence in safety with a shared objective of a TRIR (Total Re- cordable Incident Rate) of < 1.52 by 2025

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Objective #5:

Compensation & benefits. Maintain the integration of extra-financial performance criteria in the compensation of Group em- ployees in the same way as financial per- formance objectives: 100% of eli- gible employees have a mini- mum of 5% of their variable compensation tied to CSR cri- teria.

Objective #6:

Certification. Obtain ISO 14001 & 45001 certification Group-wide by 2024.

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Taxonomy: 2023 eligibility actual results

All McPhy’ activities are eligible and contribute primarily to climate change mitigation









Not eligible

Source: URD 2023 (Chap 6.6)

Green House Gas emission calculation CO2 equivalent




23 vs 22



  TOTAL   43 601 100% -8% 47 593 100%
  SCOPE 1 Gas/fuel consumption 125 0,3% -29% 176 0,4%
  of which Air Conditioning          
  SCOPE 2 Electricity/heat purchased 247 0,6% 6% 233 0,5%
  Market based n/a     n/a  
  Location based 247 0 6% 233 0
Intensity Scope 1 & 2 (t/M€) 19,8 - -22% 25,4 -
        (Cible : -5% par an
de 2022 à 2025)
  SCOPE 3   43 228 99,1% -8% 47 184 99,1%
  Scope 3 - upstream 9 207 21,1% 28% 7 212 15,2%
  Purchased goods or services 6 921 15,9% 19% 5 839 12,3%
  Capital goods 898 2,1% 121% 406 0,9%
  Upstream of energy 135 0,3% -3% 140 0,3%
  Upstream transportation and distribution 380 0,9% 11% 341 0,7%
  Wastes 111 0,3% 111% 53 0,1%
  Business travel 473 1,1% 78% 266 0,6%
  Employee commuting 288 0,7% 71% 168 0,4%
  Upstream leased assets - 0,0%   - 0,0%
  Scope 3 - downstream 34 021 78% -15% 39  972 84,0%
  Downstream transportation and distribution 151 0,3% -18% 183 0,4%
  Processing of sold products - 0,0%   - 0,0%
  Use of sold products 33 126 76% -16% 39 972 82,6%
  End of life of sold products 744 1,7% 50% 495 1,0%
  Downstream leased assets - 0,0%   - 0,0%
  Franchises - 0,0%   - 0,0%
  Investments - 0,0%   - 0,0%
  Clients transportation - 0,0%   - 0,0%
  GigaFactory construction 16 324     5 441  

Our contribution to avoided emissions*

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* Avoided emissions are an estimate of the impact of a solution on CO2 emissions compared to a reference situation, over the entire life of the product and in a life cycle approach. Between November 2022 & February 2023, McPhy conducted a study with a specialized Consulting firm to calculate the emissions avoided by its products.
** Study made on a captive fleet of light vehicles.

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Our ESG ratings and labels

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Our contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

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Support the use of renewable energy

McPhy equipment facilitate the energy transition and contribute to the use of low-carbon energies, for the benefit of multiple applications and industrial uses. Aligned with McPhy’s strategy, the development of the use of low-carbon energies and the scaling up of hydrogen will contribute to significantly reduce the cost of equipment, the cost of hydrogen, and, in a virtuous loop, will contribute to increase the use of and access to clean energies for more and more populations.

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Support access to decent jobs

Safety is THE priority for McPhy employees. In addition, to support its growth and the growth of its customers and the Hydrogen market, McPhy promises an inclusive, skills-building culture based on principles of fairness and ethics. In a context of accelerated recruitment, to offer stable jobs to all age categories, any form of discrimination or approximation with safety rules in particular is prohibited within internal policies, to ensure an environment conducive to professional development.

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Support the fight against climate change.

By its nature, McPhy equipment enables the decarbonization of industry, mobility and energy; decarbonization is the basis of McPhy’s strategy to help its customers, both public and private, in their Net Zero strategies and to sustain the environment in which we exist, especially in terms of climate. Through the commercial and industrial deployment of its advanced technologies, McPhy intends to contribute to the fight against climate change. In addition to the emissions not generated by its customers through their use of McPhy equipment, the Company also wishes to reduce its carbon intensity for scopes 1 and 2.